Report of the First SPREP Meeting of Meteorological Service Directors

The report of the 1991 feasibility study on climate in the Pacific region titled "The Changing Climate in Paradise" identified a number of projects aimed at raising the state of climate in this region. Some of these projects are currently funded and under way. In order to implement the remaining projects identified, the SPREP secretariat has been seeking fmancial assistance, in particular for sub project 4.2; "Regional Meeting of Directors". The first meeting of Directors of Meteorological Services for SPREP member countries and territories was convened in Port Vila, Vanuatu, from 19-21 October 1993. This meeting was funded by the New Zealand Government as the major sponsor, with assistance from the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, the World Meteorological Organisation and the Vaisala (Australia) company.
Report of the Second SPREP Meeting of Meteorological Service Directors

Having met in Nadi, Fiji, from 3-5 October 1994, the participants at the 2nd SPREP Meeting of Meteorological Service Directors have agreed on the following specific recommendations which are directed toward government decision makers and related organizations.
Third SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors

Participants of the Third SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors endorsed the recommendations of the Second SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors, noted with appreciation the progress which has been made in implementing these recommendations, and the benefits which have resulted.
Report of the Fourth SPREP Meeting of Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD)

Having met in Apia, Samoa, from 10 July 1997, participants of the Fourth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD) have agreed on the following specific summary and recommendations which are directed toward government decision-makers and relevant organisations.
Report of the Fifth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD)

Having met in Honolulu, Hawaii, from 11 to 13 November 1998, participants of the Fifth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD) have agreed on the following specific summary and recommendations which are directed towards government decision-makers and relevant organisations.
Report of the Sixth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD)

Having met in Tahiti, French Polynesia from 28 to 30 July, 1999, participants of the Sixth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD) have agreed on the following specific summary and recommendations which are directed towards government decision makers and relevant organisations.
Report of the Seventh SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD)

In his opening remarks, the Hon. Minister Vaai reminded the participants of their importance as ‘watchers of our atmosphere, sea and land and he noted the importance of the Needs Analysis, encouraging Meteorological Service Directors and sponsoring organisations to fulfil their shared responsibilities in the region.
Report of the Eighth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD)

In his opening remarks, the Honourable Minister Konisi Yabaki stated he was delighted to be invited to the meeting to open the 8th Meeting of the Regional Meteorological Services Directors (RMSD) being organized by SPREP in conjunction with WMO Sub-Regional Office for the South-West Pacific. As host and on behalf of the Fiji Government, he extended to all a very warm and cordial welcome to Fiji. He said that he believed Fiji was not strange to many of the participants, but for those who were there for the first time, he assured them that they would enjoy the hospitality and friendship of the Fiji people.
Eleventh Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors

The Eleventh Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (11RMSD) emphasized ten issues, namely: 1) Strategic planning for meteorological services in the Pacific region; 2) Maintaining meteorological equipment to meet World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) requirements; 3) Extending invitations for future RMSD meetings; 4) Improving coordination and collaboration among meteorology and hydrology programmes’ activities and projects; 5) Participation and coordination collaboration in meteorological and other related international fora; 6) Training; 7) Emergency response (integrated multi-hazards approach); 8) Enhancing meteorological services for aviation; 9) Management and exchange of climate data and; 10) RMSD institutional strengthening.
The Fourteenth and Final Meeting of the Regional Meteorological Services Directors and the First Pacific Meteorological Council

The Regional Meteorological Services Directors (RMSD) Meeting convened for its 14th session at the International Conference Centre in Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands from 9–12th August 2011. It was preceded by a Pacific Regional Meteorological Services Directors Workshop in Support of Climate Adaptation Planning in the Pacific Islands on 8th August. The objectives of the meeting were for participants to formulate and establish a clear understanding of the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC), the Pacific Desk Partnership concept (since renamed as the Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership, PMDP), and the Pacific Meteorological Strategic Plan (PMSP) (2012–2015).
Second Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC-2) Meeting PMC-2 Report

The Second Meeting of the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC-2) was held at the Novotel Hotel Conference Centre, Nadi, Fiji Islands from 1 to 5 July, 2013. Members of the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC) from the following countries and territories attended the meeting: American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, United States of America and Vanuatu. An apology was received from Papua New Guinea.
Third Pacific Meteorological Council and First Ministerial Meeting for Meteorology Meetings

The First Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Meteorology (PMMM-1) and the Third Pacific Meteorological Council Meeting (PMC-3) convened at the Fa'onelua Convention Centre in Nuku'alofa, Tonga on the 20 to 24 July, 2015. The meeting adopted the theme: "Sustainable Weather and Climate Services for a Resilient Pacific"; underpinning the important role of NMHSs in the sustainable development context of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs).
Pacific Islands Meteorological Strategy 2012 - 2021

The PIMS 2012-2021 provides a guiding framework for the development and support of national and regional weather and climate (meteorological) services. It seeks to promote development by building capacity within NMS and ensuring support is coordinated ...