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Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu FP035 (VanKIRAP)

Project Description

The Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu (FP035) or Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong redy, adapt mo protekt (VanKIRAP) Project.

The project will increase the ability of decision makers; development partners; communities and individuals across five target development sectors (agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure, tourism and water) to plan for and respond to the long and short term impact of climate change.

The project will build capacity to harness and manage climate data; develop and deliver practical CIS tools; support enhanced coordination and dissemination of tailored information; enhance CIS related information and technology insfrastructure and support the application of relevant CIS through real-time development process. 

VanKIRAP Bislama

Climate Information Services (CIS) tools 

 Vanuatu National Traditional Knowledge Indicator booklet

 Vanuatu Climate Atlas

 Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal

Tailored System of Climate Services for Agriculture (OSCAR)

 Vanuatu Agrometeorology Bulletin User Guide

ClimateWatch App for Traditional Knowledge Monitoring


Vanuatu Climate info-bites

 Current and Future Influence of Tropical Cyclones on Agriculture Productions in Vanuatu

 Climate Change Impacts on Water Security in Vanuatu

 Extreme Heat Impacts on Electricity in Efate - Infrastructure

 Marine Heatwave Impacts on Seagrass in Vanuatu - Fisheries



Ocean Monitoring 

Climate Models

Greenhouse Gases Emissions

Climate Projections Informing Hazard-based Impact Assessment

Climate Hazard-based Impact Assessments


New Sector Climate Information Services Policies and Guides

 Vanuatu Hazard-based Impact Assessment - Guide on Climate Change impact assessments for sectors

 Vanuatu Road Design Guide - Increasing Climate Resilience across Vanuatu 

 Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework, Methodology and Case study for Tourism and associated Infrastructure and fisheries sectors

 Sarakata Flood Management Plan and Early Warning System

 Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD) Data Management and Governance Policy

 Cost Recoveries and Models Appropriate Models for VMGD


VanKIRAP Project Grievance Mechanism





Climate Science Training for Sector - Facilitators Handbook


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