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11th session of the Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF-11)

Virtual Meeting 25 October 2022


Eleventh Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum Statement


picof 11 statement

Eleventh Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum Report


picof 11 report



12:00-16:30 WST (23:00-03:30 UTC)


[Lead agency for the session presented in bold]

Chair: PICS panel co-chairs


(Samoa local time)

Registration and communications testing

Meeting procedures

SPREP to coordinate and provide all supporting details and documents prior.


Session 1: Opening and Setting the scene.

  • Opening prayer (Arieta Baleisolomone)
  • Opening remarks (Tagaloa Cooper - SPREP)
  • Opening remarks (Henry Taiki - WMO)
  • Meeting objectives (Node for LRF representative) [Download Presentation]
  • Group photo



Session 2: ENSO Update and Outlook.

ENSO status and outlook, and introduction to ENSO tracker: NIWA, BoM, Meteo-France, NOAA, University of Hawaii, APCC, SPREP and SPC (15 minutes)

[Download Presentation]


highlights from Global Seasonal Climate Update (GSCU)


  • Agenda 2 discussion (5 minutes)

All PICOF are joint presentations. A representative from the agency in bold print will deliver the presentation with support/input from the remaining agencies referenced.


Session 3: Looking Back - Review and Evaluation of May-October 2022 Climate outlook.


  1. Atmosphere

Overview of May to October 2022 state of the climate, plus evaluation of the last PICOF outlook: NOAA, University of Hawaii, BoM, SPC, SPREP, and NIWA (15 minutes). [Download Presentation]


  1. Ocean

Overview of May to October 2022 state of the ocean, plus evaluation of the last PICOF outlook: NOAA, University of Hawaii, BoM, SPC, SPREP, NIWA (15 minutes). [Download Presentation]


  1. Tropical cyclones

Overview of the TCs over last six months: NOAA, University of Hawaii, BoM, SPC, SPREP, and NIWA (15 minutes). [Download Presentation]


Agenda 3 discussion (10 minutes)




Session 4: Looking Back Long-Term: Status of key variables


A brief examination of long-term trends for variables of interest to Pacific communities: In October 2022, these will be rainfall and sea surface temperature: NOAA, University of Hawaii, BoM, SPC, SPREP, and NIWA (20 minutes).

[Download Presentation - NOAA]

[Download Presentation - BoM]

Agenda 4 discussion (10 minutes)


Tropical cyclones and sea level at PICOF-10




10-min break



Session 5: Looking Forward - Seasonal and Intra-seasonal Pacific guidance for 2022/23.


  1. Atmosphere

PICOF outlook and RCC Node for LRF individual model/MME guidance and skill comparison: NIWA, BoM, Meteo-France, NOAA, University of Hawaii, APCC, SPREP, and SPC (15 minutes).

[Download Presentation]

  1. Ocean

PICOF outlook and RCC Node for LRF individual model/MME guidance and skill comparison: NIWA, BoM, Meteo-France, NOAA, University of Hawaii, APCC, SPREP, and SPC (15 minutes).

[Download Presentation]


  1. Tropical cyclones

PICOF outlook and RCC Node for LRF individual model/MME guidance and skill comparison: NIWA, BoM, Meteo-France, NOAA, University of Hawaii, APCC, SPREP, and SPC (15 minutes)

[Download Presentation]

Agenda 5 discussion (15 minutes)




Session 6: Looking Forward Long-Term


A brief review of long-term climate change projections for variables of interest to Pacific communities: In October 2022, these will be rainfall and sea surface temperature: CSIRO, UGCRP, BoM and SPREP (20 minutes).

[Download Presentation]

Agenda 6 discussion (10 minutes)




Session 7: Closing


Chair: Summary of proceedings, feedback from participants

Next steps: production of PICOF 11 Report, PICOF Statement, reminder of production deadlines.





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