Project Description
COSPPac works with Pacific Island stakeholders to analyse and interpret climate, oceans and tidal data to produce valuable services for island communities. This information helps island communities to prepare for, and mitigate the impacts of severe climate, tidal and oceanographic events.
Aim: of the COSPPac 2 Programme is
Pacific island national meteorological services understand and use climate, ocean and sea level information to develop and disseminate useful products and services to Pacific Island governments and communities building resilience to the impact of climate change, climate variability and disasters.
To achieve this aim, the programme will focus on delivering support to achieve the four outcomes of COSPPac 2 including:
- Services and products are user-centred and focus on resilient development applications;
- Valued, quality climate-rated products and services are maintained;
- The sustainability of products and services is maximized by transferring responsibility for delivery to Pacific partners where feasible and appropriate; and
- Implementing partners recognise and share examples of connecting and leveraging for broader impact.
The four components of the COSPPac Programme are:
- Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Projects (PSLGM)
- Climate Data for the Environment Project (CliDE)
- Seasonal Prediction Project; and
- Cross Program support through the Coordination and Communication Unit (CCU).
SPREP initiative will include components 2, 3 and 4 in partnership with Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and Pacific Community (SPC)