Training and Guidance
There are multiple opportunities for training in data management and analysis, the use of software tools, producing tailored climate information and delivering fit-for-purpose climate services. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) climate staff can track these opportunities using the websites shown below.
In addition, key WMO and other guidance material for the provision of effective climate services is listed here.
Training Opportunities
The annual Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF) includes a training day for NMHSs climate staff. This day includes presentations on the latest guidance, data, tools and products for improving climate forecasts in the Pacific region. Training on the use of PI-RCC products is also held at every PICOF.
Also, the following websites are regularly updated with upcoming events in the region, including training sessions and workshops:
- The Pacific Climate Change Portal
- Pacific Community - Events
- WMO Field Office for South-West Pacific
- NOAA NCEI Pacific Region
Guidance Material

Node Lead: SPREP