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Pacific Meteorological Council

About PMC

The Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC) is a specialized subsidiary body of SPREP, established at the Fourteenth Regional Meteorological Services Directors meeting in Majuro, Republic of Marshall Island in August 2011 to facilitate and coordinate the scientific and technical programme and activities of the Regional Meteorological Services. The PMC replaces the Regional Meteorological Services Directors body and provides policy relevant advice to the SPREP Meeting on the needs and priorities of its member countries and territories in relation to meteorology (weather and climate) and related fields.

The PMC meets on a bi-annual basis.

PMC Vision

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of the PICTs are  able to provide appropriate weather, climate, and early warning services to their nations and communities to safeguard life and property and  contributing to national development programmes through sustained observing systems, telecommunications, and data processing and management systems serving end users. 

PMC Objectives

The objectives of the PMC aim to strengthen the capacity of the NMHSs thus contributing to the safety, well‐being, and development aspirations of the people of the Pacific during the provision of weather, climate, and related development services by:

  • Providing an open forum for members to discuss and collaborate on issues related to the advancement of meteorological services in the Pacific;
  • Building on mutual and complementary strengths to develop innovative approaches that help sustain national and regional development goals stated by each nation; and
  • Collaborating with partner organizations and agencies in related sectors to achieve development objectives.


The PMC comprises the Directors/heads of Meteorological Services of SPREP Members. 

The PMC will actively engage with relevant CROP agencies, international agencies, development partners and donors.Representative of these organisations shall be invited to PMC meetings to participate in and contribute to any PMC deliberations related to the mutual and complementary fields of activity. 


The SPREP Rules and Procedures will apply to the PMC.

The Pacific Meteorological Council is established by endorsement of the 21st SPREP Meeting, Madang, Papua New Guinea, 2010. It is designated as a subsidiary body of the SPREP Meeting, operating within the bounds of the legal framework of the SPREP Agreement.

The PMC shall make reports to the SPREP Meeting on decisions and resolutions and other relevant outcomes from its meetings.

Secretariat support for the PMC shall be provided by the SPREP Secretariat. This includes planning and logistical support for PMC meetings and for managing documentation and procedures relating to planning and administration.


The PMC will generally meet biennially, but may meet as required intersessionally.

At the commencement of each meeting of the PMC, a Chair and Vice-Chair shall be appointed. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve intersessionally, working closely with the Secretariat to ensure that decisions agreed by the Council are acted upon, and that adequate preparations are made for forthcoming Council meetings, including the timely preparation of relevant working papers and reports.

Secretariat support to the meetings of the PMC shall be provided by the SPREP Secretariat.

The PMC and Secretariats of the SPREP and WMO shall also seek opportunities for intersessional meetings where these present themselves and as when such meetings may be required.

Role and Functions of PMC

The PMC shall:

  1. Provide an open forum for its members to discuss and collaborate on the needs of Pacific Island Countries and Territories with respect to weather and climate services, and related issues;
  1. Promote capacity development within the region, focused on improving members’ capability to provide accurate, timely and reliable weather forecasts, and warnings of severe weather, climate outlooks and scenarios, and associated hazards;
  1. Develop strategies with associated goals and targets to support the advancement of meteorological and related services in the Pacific, in collaboration with WMO and relevant partner organizations;
  1. Oversee progress in the implementation of strategies to support the advancement of meteorological and related services in the Pacific.
  1. Provide guidance to Members and the SPREP Secretariat and partner organizations with respect to programs related to weather, climate and associated environmental matters in the Pacific
  1. Collaborate with the Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership on the implementation activities and priorities of Members, and contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership.
  1. Report regularly on the activities of the NMS so as to assist the advancements of meteorological services in the Pacific.
First Regional Meteorological Services Directors Meeting (RM
First Meeting of Regional Meteorological Services Directors, Port Vila, Vanuatu in 1993. (Photo: Arona Ngari)


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