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Namaka Declaration For Sustainable Weather, Climate, Ocean and Water Services for a Resilient Blue Pacific can be downloaded Here>>

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Hosted by the Government of Fiji

18 August 2023
Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa, Denarau, Nadi, Fiji Islands

Theme: Sustaining Weather, Climate, Water and Ocean Services for a Resilient Blue Pacific


1. The Third Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Meteorology (PMMM-3) is the third gathering of Ministers responsible for meteorology. The meeting will be held back-to-back with the Sixth Meeting of the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC-6) and the First PMC Development Partners and Donor Engagement Meeting hosted by the Government of the Fiji and supported by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and other Partners at the Sofitel Hotel Conference Centre.

2. The PMMM-3 provides the opportunity for Ministers to be briefed on and have discussions around the critical role of NMHSs and their contributions to both national and regional safety and sustainable development through the provision of weather, climate, hydrology, ocean and related service. The Outcome from the PMMM-1 in Nuku’alofa, Tonga in 2015 and the PMMM-2 in Honiara, Solomon Islands provided clear guidance for the PMC, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and their partners.

3. While NMHSs have benefited from considerable investment in the Pacific region over the years by national governments, development partners, collaborating organisations and institutions, CROP agencies and the United Nations agencies in the Pacific to strengthen capability and capacity and train meteorologists, climatologists, hydrologists and related expertise, develop infrastructure, and improve services; the demand for continuous monitoring and reliable services require continuous investment and support. The Weather Ready Pacific Programme endorsed by Pacific Leaders as well as the Early Warning For All (EW4ALL) initiative are testament to this.

4. The objectives of the PMMM-3 are:

  1. a. Engagement of Ministers in the development of sustainable weather, climate, water, ocean and related development services in the Pacific.
  2. b. Discuss opportunities including financial resources for strengthening the operations and provision of weather, climate, hydrology, ocean and related development services provided by the NMHSs, and their role in contributing to resilient development such as the Weather Ready Pacific Programme and EW4ALL initiative; and
  3. c. To provide support and strategic direction for the development of the NMHSs for the provision of accurate, timely and action-oriented weather, climate, hydrology, ocean and related development services.

5. The Outcomes of the PMMM-3 are:

  1. a. Strengthened engagement with Ministers through discussion of the Weather Ready Pacific Programme and the EW4All initiative;
  2. b. Provide support and direction for the development of weather, water, climate, ocean and related development services through a Ministerial Outcome Statement. The Outcome Statement can be presented to the leaders.

6. Duration and format:

  1. a. The provisional agenda will be circulated in due course.


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